10 Common Industry Misconceptions
Misconception Fact
1 Demolition contractors primarily implode, or “blow up” buildings. Implosions account for less than 1 percent of all demolition work.
2 Demolition contractors destroy many structures that should be saved. Demolition contractors are instrumental in achieving the goals of preservationists.
3 Demolition contractors don’t participate in the nation’s recycling effort. The demolition industry was salvaging building elements and materials for reuse long before it was the “ecological thing to do.”
4 Demolition contractors unnecessarily overcrowd landfills with debris. The industry is reducing its use of landfills in favor of recycling.
5 Demolition is an unsophisticated business. A safe and successful demolition project requires a working knowledge of both construction and the law.
6 The methods of demolition never change. Demolition practices today are not only quicker but safer and more cost-effective.
7 One demolition contractor is basically the same as the next. Don’t tell that to the owner who has had the misfortune of dealing with an inexperienced contractor.
8 Demolition is dangerous business. In the hands of professionals, the danger is controlled.
9 Demolition is expensive. Commercial demolition work generally costs less than 2 percent of the replacement cost of the building.
10 Once a demolition project is completed, the owner’s worries are over. A project owner cannot “contract away” his responsibility or liability.